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Sixer Spotlight with Athena Bozak

After four years of active duty service in the U.S Air Force, Athena Bozak shares her journey to Agile Six, how she transitioned into the tech world, found wholeness, learned self-management, and found a place where she continues to support Veterans through the impactful work she is doing in user experience research.

A Veterans Day Message from Agile Six CEO Robert Rasmussen

On this Veterans Day, I would like to thank all my fellow Veterans for the blank checks they wrote: for following orders, for safeguarding our homeland while being homesick, for missed holidays and family events, and for the many injuries they now endure as a result. I also want to thank their families and friends who missed them then and care for them now. And because no level of gratitude would ever be enough, at Agile Six we’ll be doing the hard work to ensure that our country truly leaves no Veteran behind. Click for full message.

Sixer Spotlight With Rakshinda Aslam

After a decade of working in the corporate world, Rakshinda Aslam shares her journey to finding purposeful work and work-life balance. Find out how Agile Six’s commitment to self-management and personal wholeness sparked her interest and how this career move has changed her life.
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